From Federal Government To Kill Eagles
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“To essentially give power companies a 30-year hunting license to kill eagles and other birds is unconscionable. I think we’re opening a Pandora’s Box that will kill millions of birds over the next 30 years, maybe tens of millions.” – Al Cecere
Al Cecere, President of the American Eagle Foundation, has joined the controversial conversation regarding wind turbines and their effects on flying wildlife, particularly Bald and Golden Eagles.
The Federal Government has extended, for 30 years, a no-penalty phase for wind energy companies whose turbines kill eagles. This was done in order to foster development in ‘green renewable energy.’
Audubon President and CEO David Yarnold reacted to this ruling with the following statement: “Instead of balancing the need for conservation and renewable energy, [the Department of the Interior] wrote the wind industry a blank check.”
On December 9th, Al appeared on Fox News to discuss the ramifications of this extension, stating: “I think this is appalling and outrageous. I don’t think this is good conservation policy. I think this is a lot of politics, and, believe me, I educate people on both sides of the aisle. I’ve been saving eagles for nearly 30 years. It took over 30 years to bring the Bald Eagle back from the brink of extinction. A lot of work by hundreds of conservation groups and thousands of individuals across the country have put their heart and soul into this effort. To essentially give power companies a 30-year hunting license to kill eagles and other birds is unconscionable. I think we’re opening a Pandora’s Box that will kill millions of birds over the next 30 years, maybe tens of millions. I don’t understand why we’re making this devastating and senseless compromise.”
Watch Al’s Interview On Fox TV.