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[/av_textblock] [/av_one_third][av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” custom_class=’meet-content’ admin_preview_bg=”] Species: Otus asio, Eastern Screech Owl • Born: Unknown • Gender: Female • Disability: Detached Retina [av_hr class=’custom’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’30%’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’5px’ custom_margin_bottom=’10px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=’#cec7ba’ icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Belle, a grayish-brown Eastern Screech Owl, arrived at American Eagle Foundation on November 23, 2016. She had been found in maryville, TN on September 20, 2016, after possibly having had a collision with a vehicle.
It was determined Belle was a full adult when she arrived; therefore, we do not know her exact age.
She was named for the character in Beauty and the Beast. Belle is a true beauty and a favorite when shown during off-site tours—and, she’s a great addition to our educational birds of prey program.
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Eastern Screech Owls have been misnamed, because they don’t really screech at all. They have more of a wavering whistle. The Eastern Screech Owl is a short, stocky bird, with a very large head and virtually no neck. The colors of an Eastern Screech Owl vary from a reddish-brown to a grayish color. Their feathers are patterned with spots and bands that help to camouflage them when they are against the bark of a tree.
The ear tufts on top of their heads have nothing to do with their hearing; rather, they help to camouflage the bird when perched in a tree. The tufts, when erect, form a ‘V’ which mimics a forked branch in a tree, and in addition, when they erect the tufts of feathers, they are communicating with others of its species. Erecting the tufts also help frighten away potential enemies because it makes the owl appear larger.
In the wild, screech owls can live to be 10 years of age, and up to twice that in captivity.
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