Injured Bald Eagle Rescued by Wildlife Officers
As reported by
September 17, 2017

K7, a juvenile Bald Eagle, was rescued in Ohio by Logan County State Wildlife Officers with a fishing lure caught in its mouth and wing. The fishing hooks were removed and the juvenile Bald Eagle was released unharmed.
With the assistance of Wildlife Management Supervisor Gary Comer, the two located the bird and found it had a fishing lure caught in its mouth and wing.
The treble hooks were removed and the bird was released unharmed.
Identifying wing and leg bands were found on the immature bald eagle. It was originally tagged in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
[av_hr class=’custom’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’30%’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’0′ custom_margin_bottom=’10px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=’#cec7ba’ icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’]K7 was one of two juvenile eagles the American Eagle Foundation received from the Broadbent Wildlife Sanctuary in Guston, KY on June 3rd, and taken to the hack tower the next day. They had experienced a bad first fledge, and it was thought that it would be best to put them in a hack tower for a second try. They just needed a bit more time — there were no injuries.
K7 (aka “Chief”) was released on June 16th, weighing 8.9 lbs.
AEF had received recent photos of this juvenile eagle (prior to this incident), and she appeared to be doing really well. Hopefully, she will have no further mishaps! We are grateful for the rescue by the wildlife officials in Ohio!