[/av_textblock] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” custom_class=”] Non-releasable Bald Eagles Independence and Franklin live in an enormous aviary at Dollywood on AEF’s Eagle Mountain Sanctuary. Since 2002, they have successfully raised 29 eaglets that have been released into the wild.
This year, a second HD video cam has been added, as well as a new microphone, to give the best possible viewing for many visitors who watch this nest online.
A moderated Chat is available at designated times so that viewers can watch, ask questions, and learn all about this pair, and also about the other eagles & birds of prey that live at the American Eagle Foundation.
Indy has laid 3 eggs (March 27, March 31, and April 3,) and is currently taking turns with her mate, Franklin, in incubating them. If the eggs are fertile, we should have babies about 35 days from when incubation began.
You can watch all the special moments from the nest by going here.

The nest of Independence and Franklin in the aviary on Eagle Mountain Sanctuary at Dollywood.
Fresh food is delivered daily to the eagles by AEF caregivers and left at the bottom of the hill; the parent eagles choose what they want, and then bring it back to the nest to feed themselves and their babies. There is also a bathing / watering tub at the same location, which the eagles often enjoy.
Schools Participate In “Classroom Chats”
Several classrooms across the country have found us and arranged for “private educational chats” with AEF’s knowledgeable moderators and expert cam operators. The ages of the students have ranged from 4 years old to high school. Teachers submit questions in advance so the Moderators can be ready to quickly answer all the questions and be prepared to post informative links, including videos. The cam operator is an integral part of this virtual classroom, and pays close attention to the topic so that the camera can show the students specifically what is being discussed. It has been extremely gratifying to hear how the students and their teachers have responded to this experience. Many regular visitors to our chat forum “perch” (watch but do not chat) during these private chats and learn along with the students.
If you would like to schedule an online virtual visit to this nest for your classroom, please email webmaster@eagles.org.