American Eagle Day 2025 Countdown
American Eagle Day
June 20th commemorates the anniversary of the bald eagle’s selection as our national symbol on the Great Seal in 1782. Today, it serves as a reminder of the bald eagle’s status as a conservation success story and celebrates the eagle’s triumphant return from near extinction.
Although the bald eagle has made a remarkable comeback, there is still work to be done. Trash and debris continue to pollute ecosystems across the US, especially in parks, roadways, rivers, lakes, and streams. Fishing line, hooks, rodenticides, and household garbage pose a serious threat to our incredible bald eagle and other species.
Click here to learn more about AED and our efforts to have all 50 states recognizes June 20th as American Eagle Day.
Donate and your name will be displayed on an entry plaque as the sponsor of one of our bald eagle enclosures at our new facility!
Donate and receive a personalized brick paver that will be on prominent display at our new facility!